New posts in probability

Expected absolute difference between two iid variables

Prove that if $X$ and $Y$ are Normal and independent random variables, $X+Y$ and $X-Y$ are independent

If $m$ tickets are drawn out of $n$ tickets numbered $1$ to $n$, find variance of the sum of the numbers on tickets

Finding the maximum likelihood estimators for this shifted exponential PDF?

probability that a random variable is even

When Superposition of Two Renewal Processes is another Renewal Process?

probablity of random pick up three points inside a regular triangle which form a triangle and contain the center

Expectation of the min of two independent random variables?

Does exceptionalism persist as sample size gets large?

Expert Minesweeper Probability Question

A probabilistic game with balls and urns

How many books are in a library?

The product of a normal and Rademacher variables, independent from each other

The distribution of the minimum of two independent geometric random variables

Calculate the expected value of $Y=e^X$ where $X \sim N(\mu, \sigma^2)$

Bayes' Theorem with multiple random variables

Probability of receiving gifts on time

A probability theory question about independent coin tosses by two players

Using Recursion to Solve Coupon Collector

Expected number of draws before a certain sequence appears