New posts in probability

Expected value of sums

How to prove Boole’s inequality

Consecutive birthdays probability

Mean and variance of Squared Gaussian: $Y=X^2$ where: $X\sim\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2)$?

probability of an event happening over a year

Stochastic processes, White noise.

Bag of Marbles problem from exercises for feynman lectures

Denote vertices of a triangle $A, B, C$. $P$({side removed})=$\frac{1}{2}$.

% of % - Please Help Me Prove My Friend Wrong

What is the expected number of steps in the following process?

A coin flipping game

What does the big intersection or union sign of a set mean?

Can you pick a random natural number? And a random real number?

How many flips of a fair coin does it take until you get N heads in a row? [duplicate]

A probability question that I failed to answer in a job interview

Random Walk Without Repetitions

Choose a random point in a triangle. Denote (X, Y) is the coordinate. (a) Find density functions $f_x, f_Y$

Given two basis sets for a finite Hilbert space, does an unbiased vector exist?

Iterated integral question

Average distance between two randomly chosen points in unit square (without calculus)