Compute area of a sphere through a Dirac delta

Solution 1:

To summarize the discussion in the comments, the definition of $\delta(f)$ is derived from postulating two basic properties: the substitution rule $$\int_{\mathbb R^n} \delta(f(\mathbf x)) \,\phi(\mathbf x) \,d\mathbf x = \int_U \delta(f(\mathbf x(\mathbf u))) \,\phi(\mathbf x(\mathbf u)) \left| \det D \mathbf x(\mathbf u) \right| d\mathbf u$$ and $$\int_{\mathbb R^n} \delta(x_1) \,\phi(\mathbf x) \,d\mathbf x = \int_{\mathbb R^{n - 1}} \phi(\mathbf x) \rvert_{x_1 = 0} \,dx_2 \cdots dx_n.$$ If you try to set $$\small \int \delta(f(\mathbf x)) d\mathbf x = \int_{f(\mathbf x) = 0} dS = \int_{2 f(\mathbf x) = 0} dS = \int \delta(2 f(\mathbf x)) d\mathbf x,$$ you violate the first rule. If you try to set $$\small \iint \delta(r - f(\theta)) \phi(r, \theta) dr d\theta \neq \int \phi(f(\theta), \theta) d\theta,$$ you violate the second rule. If you adopt the definition that the rest of the world is using derived from the two stated properties, you get the identity $$\int_{\mathbb R^n} \delta(f(\mathbf x)) \left| \nabla f(\mathbf x) \right| \phi(\mathbf x) \,d\mathbf x = \int_{f(\mathbf x) = 0} \phi(\mathbf x) \,dS(\mathbf x),$$ which is formally the same as the coarea formula because both are essentially the same change of variables formula. The first two formulas in your question will in fact be correct, while the last two will be incorrect.

Solution 2:

when you write integrating yields... you may be making an unwarranted assumption about what is the "element of area". a simple geometric approach suggests:

$$ dA = \rho d(2\theta) \rho \sin 2\theta d\phi = 2 \rho^2 \sin 2\theta d\theta d\phi $$

note that with $dA$ thus defined:

$$ \int_0^{2\pi}\int_0^{\frac{\pi}2} dA = 4\pi\rho^2 $$

Solution 3:

I finally figured out why I am getting a 'wrong' result. As expected I cannot substitute with the delta directly since it's a composition with a submersion. However the following equality holds from the coarea formula: $$\int_{R^n}{f(x)\delta(g(x))\,dx} = \int_{g^{-1}(0)}{\frac{f(x)}{|\nabla g(x)|}\,d\sigma(x)}$$ Where $g:R^n\rightarrow R$, $|\nabla g(x)|\ne 0$, and $d\sigma$ is the measure on the surface $g^{-1}(0)$. Let us consider the non-normalized uniform probability density function on the sphere with center $(0,0,0)$ and radius $\rho$ in spherical coordinates: $p_A(x,y,z) = \delta(r-\rho)r^2\sin\theta$. Unsurprisingly integrating it yields $4\pi\rho^2$: $$\int_{0}^{2\pi}{\int_{0}^{\pi}{\int_{0}^{\infty}{\delta(r-\rho)r^2\sin\theta\,dr}\,d\theta}\,d\phi} = \int_{0}^{2\pi}{\int_{0}^{\pi}{\frac{\rho^2\sin\theta}{1}\,d\theta}\,d\phi} = 4\pi\rho^2$$

Note that the division by $1$ is to emphasize that $|\nabla g| = 1$. That is, I have used the coarea formula above even if it may seem unnecessary (but as we'll see later it is actually important for other mappings, and this is simply a special case where we have the standard delta function). Now let us compute the area of the translated sphere. Going to Cartesian coordinates gives us: $p_B(x,y,z) = \frac{p_A(r,\theta)}{|r^2\sin\theta|} = \delta(\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2}-\rho)$ (we have used the invertible pdf transformation theorem). Translating by $(0,0,\rho)$ yields: $p_C(x,y,z) = p_B(x,y,z-\rho)$, where the Jacobian of this transformation is $1$. Finally going back to spherical coordinates we have: $$p_D(r,\theta) = \delta(\sqrt{r^2\cos^2\phi\sin^2\theta + r^2\sin^2\phi\sin^2\theta + r^2\cos\theta^2 + \rho^2 - 2r\rho\cos\theta}-\rho)r^2\sin\theta = \\ = \delta(\sqrt{r^2+\rho^2-2r\rho\cos\theta}-\rho)r^2\sin\theta$$ We compute the gradient of the mapping as: $\nabla g(r,\theta) = \frac{1}{2\sqrt{r^2+\rho^2-2\rho\cos\theta}}(2r-2\rho\cos\theta, 2\frac{r}{r}\sin\theta,0)$. Finally $|\nabla g(r,\theta)| = 1$. We may compute $g^{-1}(0) = \{(2\rho\cos\theta, \theta, \phi),\theta \in [0,\frac{\pi}{2}], \phi \in [0,2\pi]\}$. The surface area element is $dA = 2\rho^2\sin2\theta\,d\theta\,d\phi$. Then finally: $$\int_{0}^{2\pi}{\int_{0}^{\frac{\pi}{2}}{\int_{0}^{\infty}{p_D(r,\theta)\,dr}\,d\theta}\,d\phi} = \int_{0}^{2\pi}{\int_{0}^{\frac{\pi}{2}}{\rho^2\sin2\theta\,d2\theta}\,d\phi} = 4\pi\rho^2$$

Now let us consider a slightly different variant: $p_A(r) = \delta(r^2 - \rho^2)r^2\sin\theta$, $|\nabla g(r)| = 2r$ $$\int_{0}^{2\pi}{\int_{0}^{\pi}{\int_{0}^{\infty}{\delta(r^2-\rho^2)r^2\sin\theta\,dr}\,d\theta}\,d\phi} = \int_{0}^{2\pi}{\int_{0}^{\pi}{\frac{\rho^2\sin\theta}{2\rho}\,d\theta}\,d\phi} = 2\pi\rho$$

Rather surprisingly (at least for me) we get a different result, which however for the $\delta$ defined as is, is supposedly correct (I believe that the result being $2\pi\rho$ is just a lucky coincidence). So one has to be careful about the mapping.

After transforming to cartesian coordinates, translating and returning to spherical coordinates we get $p_D(r, \theta) = \delta(r^2-2\rho\cos\theta)r^2\sin\theta$, $|\nabla g(r,\theta)| = 2\sqrt{r^2+\rho^2-2r\rho\cos\theta}$. Using the coarea formula once again:

$$\int_{0}^{2\pi}{\int_{0}^{\frac{\pi}{2}}{\int_{0}^{\infty}{p_D(r,\theta)\,dr}\,d\theta}\,d\phi} = \int_{0}^{2\pi}{\int_{0}^{\frac{\pi}{2}}{\frac{\rho^2\sin2\theta}{2\sqrt{\rho^2}}\,d2\theta}\,d\phi} = 2\pi\rho$$

In conclusion, it seems that it is not correct to substitute directly when the delta function is composed with a function different than the identity (or $\pm const$). In that specific case the coarea formula has to be used. Additionally we seem to have the relationship $\delta_S(x) = \delta(g(x))|\nabla g(x)|$, where $S=g^{-1}(0)$:

$$\int_{R^n}{f(x)\delta(g(x))|\nabla g(x)|\,dx} = \int_{R^n}{f(x)\delta_S(x)\,dx} = \int_{S}{f(x)\,d\sigma(x)}$$

I very much appreciate the input from Maxim and David Holden, which ultimately helped me figure this out.

Edit: A very interesting read I found later: It certainly helps to understand the problem from an intuitive point of view also.