New posts in present-perfect

Using "present perfect" for things that happen in future

What time need use?

"Is used" vs. "has been used" vs. "was used"

Is it okay to use the Present Perfect tense twice in the same sentence? [duplicate]

Good decision I "made" / "have made" today

Present perfect - indefinite time

Is the use of the word "been" necessary or proper when discussing a completed event?

You enter your living room and see a pool of water on the floor. Do you say “Did you spill the water?” or "Have you spilled the water?"?

Present Perfect vs Simple Past

A question concerning use of simple past and present perfect tense

Past perfect or present perfect?

If I don't know an action is completed, which past tense do I use?

How to list down actions that are done in the past and are still being done in the present?

Past or present perfect tense for event happened last night [duplicate]

Present Perfect Vs Present Perfect Continuous and Simple Past/ Past Perfect Vs Past Perfect Continuous [closed]

He is the only/first player who has won GS twice

Is "have been being investigated" in the following sentence grammatically correct?

“I have studied” vs. “I have been studying” [duplicate]

Present Simple instead of Present Perfect

What brings you here? What has brought you here?