New posts in phrasal-verbs

Why use 'step down' instead of 'resign'? Is there any difference?

Difference between "she cut her hair" and "she cut her hair off"?

"Sit down" vs. "sit up"

Come to (regain consciousness) and pull to (shut)

meaning of OUT as in "ACTING OUT IN CLASS"

Sit v. sit down

Is “tell advice” not idiomatic over “give advice”?

"Start to Inf." vs. "start V-ing" [duplicate]

Turn on vs Switch on [closed]

What is the difference between "fill" and "fill in"?

what is the difference between "hook up with" and "have sex with"? [closed]

"Went" vs. "went along"

The phrase, "It's on tonight."

Can you "Hear back"?

Which would be correct: "outputs" or "puts out"?

Is to "tell off" a particularly British expression?

Go off vs go on?

Do you use "pore over"?

Interest ( someone ) in ( something )

Can adverbs be also direct objects? [duplicate]