New posts in period

"Don't worry, ..."

Abbreviations and Full Stops

Manage abbreviations before parantheses at the end of a sentence

Placement of period in quotation or definition at end of sentence (American rule)

How to punctuate a quoted rhetorical interrogative sentence that ends a declarative sentence?

Is the second period necessary after an abbreviation?

Should a period be placed within quotation marks if it would conflict with a punctuated item that should be used or typed verbatim?

When a phrase ends with a period, do you put ... or .. after it?

Period after "fax"

What is the correct format for using commas after periods? [duplicate]

Period or colon? [closed]

How does using a semicolon or a full stop change meaning?

Is there any general rule of thumb that can be followed for where and when to add commas and full stops?

When putting "etc." in the middle of a sentence, do you use "etc," or "etc.," or "etc."?

What to do if a sentence ends with "Yahoo!"? [duplicate]

How to correctly assimilate dots, if at all?

A colon after "following"

How to use a the possessive "s" after a dot?

Where does the period go in an MLA in-text citation?

Is it correct to use two consecutive dots indicating an abbreviation and a full stop? [duplicate]