New posts in etc

How to fix Xubuntu LightDM Theme after installing unity.

useradd with -d option do not create skeleton files

Why do some some files in /etc have a numeric prefix?

no lpr or lprng file in /etc/int.d/

Display the username and passwords fetched from etc/passwd and etc/shadow files in a single file using cut and paste commands [closed]

Accidentally deleted /etc/apt/apt.conf.d

Why do configuration folders have *.d in their name [duplicate]

cannot find /etc/proxychains.conf after installing proxychains

EtcKeeper: Switching from bzr to git

"Pointers" with $ Syntax in /etc/environment

Using HID compliant mouse like device in Ubuntu

Where is the apache2 directory on Ubuntu 20.04?

Multiple 'et cetera' use [closed]

How to recover a deleted /etc/passwd file? [duplicate]

When "etc." is followed by "that", does it still require a comma?

Can't access my VPS through SSH

Is there an application to manage config files in the /etc directory with version control?

Ubuntu 16.04 lts lost administrator rights bash: /etc/profile: Permission denied

bilibop-lockfs is disabled

Change default shell when user not in /etc/passwd