New posts in partial-differential-equations

$\|S(t)\| \leq Me^{ct} \Rightarrow \|u\|_{C(0,T,H)} \leq \|u_0\|_H+\|f\|_{L^1(0,T,H)}$?

Prerequisites/lecture notes for V. Arnold's PDE

Interpretation of an integral transform from the wave equation to the heat equation

Finding the constants for a PDE

Euler-Lagrange, Gradient Descent, Heat Equation and Image Denoising

Definition of the principal symbol of a differential operator on a real vector bundle.

Solving Laplace's equation $\triangle u = 0$ in the semi-infinite strip $S = \{(x,y): 0 < x < 1, 0 < y\}$

Is every scalar differential operator on $(M,g)$ that commutes with isometries a polynomial of the Laplacian?

Finding integrating factor (IF) when integrating factor IF will be a function of both $x$ and $y$

Is Lipschitz's condition necessary for existence of unique solution of an I.V.P.?

Method of characteristics for a system of pdes

Can we apply quadratic optimization in complex inner product spaces?

Why no trace operator in $L^2(\Omega)$?

Inverse Laplace Transform of $\bar p_D = \frac{K_0(\sqrt[]s r_D)}{sK_0(\sqrt[]s)}$

Intuition for Fredholm operators?

Smooth boundary condition implies exterior sphere condition

Intuitive explanation of Duhamel's principle

Find the solution of this differential equation whose graph it is through the point $(1,3e)$.

Connections between K-Theory and PDEs?

What is the intuition behind a function being 'weakly differentiable'?