New posts in paradoxes

Is the Banach-Tarski paradox realistic? Why is Volume not an invariant?

"A two-envelopes puzzle"

For x < 5 what is the greatest value of x

What is wrong with the sum of these two series?

How to resolve this paradox involving Cantor's diagonal argument?

Russells Paradox and definition of a set in Terry Tao's Analysis I

Why can't Russell's Paradox be solved with references to sets instead of containment?

Why cannot a set be its own element?

Demonstration that 0 = 1 [duplicate]

Proof of Drinker paradox [duplicate]

Seems that I just proved $2=4$.

limit $\underbrace{\lim_{n\to\infty}\frac1n+\lim_{n\to\infty}\frac1n+\cdots+\lim_{n\to\infty}\frac1n}_{n\text{ times}}$

Zeno's Achilles & Tortoise - Where exactly is the proof wrong?

Can anything interesting be said about this fake proof?

Are there any nontrivial examples of contradictions arising in non-foundational or applied math due to naive set theory?

Boy and girl paradox is driving me crazy

Have I totally misunderstood the Banach–Tarski paradox?

Is there such thing as a "smallest positive number that isn't zero"? [duplicate]

Why is Banach–Tarski's paradox so interesting?

Card doubling paradox