New posts in paradoxes

The case of the missing ninth of a $2$€ coin

What's behind the Banach-Tarski paradox? [closed]

Why is this inclusion of dual of Banach spaces wrong?

$2=1$ Paradoxes repository

Is it true that $\left(-\frac{1}{64}\right)^{-\frac 43}=256$? [duplicate]

Statistics: Bertrand's Box Paradox [duplicate]

Spheres cause contradictions in dimensions $10$ and more?

Logic nonsense/paradox

Explain the Birthday Paradox

Why is Russell's paradox a paradox and not an illegal definition? [duplicate]

Help me find the fallacy in these specific arguments re: the Boy-Girl Paradox [duplicate]

Understanding the solution of a riddle about lions and sheep.

Is it possible to express and analyse Bertrand's paradox with terms and tools from set/space theory?

The class of all classes not containing themselves

Why this works for proving ZF axioms system is free of Russell's paradox?

Satisfying explanation of Aristotle's Wheel Paradox.

Two paradoxes: $\pi = 2$ and $\sqrt 2 = 2$ [duplicate]

Is there an absolute notion of the infinite?

What's your explanation of the Raven Paradox?

The set of all infinite binary sequences