New posts in packaging

Python deployment fails with "packaging 21.2 has requirement pyparsing<3,>=2.0.2, but you have pyparsing 3.0.5."

How to use 'apt' to get source code and then do separate compile [duplicate]

How does ubuntu manage packages?

setuptools vs. distutils: why is distutils still a thing?

How do I put a package into the Ubuntu repositories? [duplicate]

How to troubleshoot Quickly packaging failures

How to create a .deb file with dependency?

Upgrading to latest stable Mono

PPA & Packaging: Having versions of packages for multiple distros

Why do some packages have extra numbers before a colon on the front of their version string?

What is the Snap packaging format?

How can different packages have identical source code?

What is the official Debian/Ubuntu way to install new configuration files in user directories?

How to solve dpkg-source source problem when building a package?

What is the meaning of the XubuntuY string in Ubuntu package names?

Debian package translation

What is an uber jar?

How to create a meta-package that automatically installs other packages?

Compiling source into a DEB package

py2exe - generate single executable file