New posts in setuptools

How to Bootstrap numpy installation in

Does pip handle extras_requires from setuptools/distribute based sources?

Python Packaging: Data files are put properly in tar.gz file but are not installed to virtual environment

" upload" is failing with "Upload failed (401): You must be identified to edit package information"

Specify where to install 'tests_require' dependencies of a distribute/setuptools package

How do I subclass the build command?

Copy configuration file on installation

Installing Python-2.7 on Ubuntu 10.4

Install dependencies from

How to configure,, and for a basic package setup?

Determining version of easy_install/setuptools

pip install -e doesn't allow to import via package dir

How should I set this up for a working package?

setup_requires with Cython?

How to obtain arguments passed to from pip with '--install-option'?

Packaging legacy Fortran in Python. Is it OK to use setuptools and numpy.distutils?

Automatic version number both in (setuptools) AND source code?

Problems creating a python package using setuptools and trying to install it from local filesystem

install_requires based on python version

How do setuptools, distribute, and pip relate to one another?