How to troubleshoot Quickly packaging failures

Use package command to build a local package, specifying the --verbose option. This will give you the full output of the underlying tools Quickly invokes to create your package. Run it as such on your project folder:

quickly package --verbose

Another command that might help:

python build

Common issues

  • Modules with syntax errors will cause the package build to fail
  • The share, release and submitubuntu commands require a properly set up Launchpad account, with an SSH key and a PPA
  • You'll need a GPG key to sign your package
  • If you don't specify a PPA name as a parameter to the packaging command, or if you haven't set it with the quickly configure ppa, Quickly will assume it is called ppa. So if your PPA is named differently, make sure to tell it to Quickly in either of the two ways above. Learn more about how Quickly gets the PPA name.

Non-Quickly build

The Quickly packaging commands overwrite the packaging control files every time they are run. In some occasions, and if you know what you are doing, you might want or need to modify them without Quickly overwriting them. In those cases you can:

  1. Do the required changes to the packaging control files
  2. Run debuild -S in your source tree to build a local source package
  3. Run dput ppa:yourusername/ppa ../projectname_*_source.changes to upload the local source package to your remote PPA in Launchpad
  4. Check whether your PPA is building the package or wait for the e-mail from Launchpad to indicate success or failure