New posts in versions

Why doesn't Perl use latest version by default?

used python -v instead of python -version command, to find the version of python in my pc. does it change anything?

Can I use an older version of LibreOffice?

How do I get the version of an assembly without loading it?

How to know what version of PHP is shipped in a release version?

Package version updates policy

What guarantees does Ubuntu provide concerning binary compatibility across releases?

How to determine which version of gfortran is installed?

How to see what SDL version I have on my ubuntu

Ubuntu Gnome 14.04 shows 13.10

What is a -ckt mainline kernel?

How to install g++-5 on Ubuntu 20.04?

How can I check the version of libusb-1.0 running on ubuntu 14.04?

How easy is it to upgrade from 18.04 beta 1 to 18.04 final release? [duplicate]

How I can recover a previous version of a file?

list files not originating from packages

how do I check coreutils version?

Can I use every .deb file, whatever my Ubuntu version or architecture?

How can I email a document from iWork without the recipient seeing the intermediate saved versions?

How best to use File Version and Assembly Version?