New posts in deb

can a snap package depend on a .deb package provided by the distro?

Build a Ubuntu debian package [duplicate]

How you install R 3.2.2 in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS?

Where are the deb files downloaded by Software center and the update manager stored?

How to install .deb files the old fashion way? [duplicate]

Read version of changelog file from variable for debian packaging

how to package installed packages?

Why most of deb files I am trying to install are not supported by Ubuntu Software? [duplicate]

How apt-get selects from a list of alternative dependencies?

Getting .deb package dependencies for an offline Ubuntu computer through Windows

How to install Cozy Audiobook Player in Ubuntu 20.04 without Flatpak

What is a post-installation script for a package?

Automatically solve dependencies of deb packages while using dpkg -i [duplicate]

How to install an isolated or sandboxed debian package?

Can I compile a Delphi project to run on ubuntu?

debian/rules error "No rule to make target"

How can I create a .deb file that adds a repository to sources.list.d?

How to get Google Earth installed via .DEB?

Where can I find statistics on package downloads and dependencies?

What other ways can you install deb files