New posts in purge

Fouled up my openjdk-8-jre

How to remove KDE Connect dependecies in Cinnamon or any other DE?

How to get Google Earth installed via .DEB?

How to purge logstash

Is uninstalling via software center the equivalent of "apt-get purge"? [duplicate]

Uninstalled Firefox still here

Why does "Purge" not remove everything related to an app? [duplicate]

How does the apt-get purge command work?

How can I list the packages I removed on a specific day?

How can I "clean house" so that dpkg -l no longer lists packages I've removed?

Full Google Chrome removal

How to automatically remove all .orig files in Mercurial working tree?

Purge an IMAP folder in Outlook 2016 using VBA

Trying to purge MySQL fails

Purge Clipit on Ubuntu 20.04 not working

Using apt-get to remove packages and dependencies

How to delete or purge old files on S3?

How do I revert all packages to their official versions?

Fully remove PlayOnLinux and any files left behind [duplicate]

table manager does not purge chunk in loki 2.4