New posts in ppa

I can't install IceCat on ubuntu 12.04

PPA installed driver 396.24 is causing CUDA 9.2 installation error

Can I upload binary packages to a Launchpad PPA?

How to install GIMP 2.7?

Connection to not private?

Unable to locate package mesa on ubuntu 20.04

How to install libboost 1.48?

How to include a screenshot of my application in the DEB/PPA to show it in Software-Center? [duplicate]

How do I discover a PPA's PGP key?

How to try out Thunderbird 60?

Install package from without adding PPA

WineHQ on Ubuntu 19.10

which PPA has the most current version of git for 12.04? ppa:git-core/ppa is outdated

PPA efforts only create an empty build directory with pbuilder or ppa itself

Error getting access to LLVM Debian/Ubuntu nightly packages

Is Avant Window Navigator Available For Ubuntu 14.04?

How do I install Nautilus-Elementary?

How do I programmatically detect that my launchpad build process is done?

Has there been any malicious PPA so far?

Installing CoverGloobus