How do I discover a PPA's PGP key?

I would like to be able to see the openPGP key of a PPA. I do not wish to add it to my sysetm. I only need to know what the key is. How might I discover this?

Solution 1:

You can find that out by going to the PPA page.

I'm using this PPA as an example.

Head to your PPA link, and then click "Technical details about this PPA".

enter image description here

What you're looking for is the "Signing key", in this case it's 1024R/D306B7D0, which is also a link to the entry for the key.

You can then do whatever you need to do for that.

Solution 2:

As jrg said you can go to the launchpad's page, but, if you don't want to open your browser, or, if you have too many ppas so as to do that manually, you can use this bash script:


wget -q "$1" -O $tmp
code=$(grep "<code>" $tmp | tr -d ' ')
echo $code
rm -f $tmp

Usage: usage