New posts in update-manager

problem after apt-get update command

Upgrade to 12.10 from 12.04 not available in update manager

Update manager: "A problem occurred when checking for the updates"

ERROR MESSAGE: Requires installation of untrusted packages [duplicate]

Is it possible to disable the automatic download of updates when the internet connection is through a 3G dongle?

Why doesn't "Software Updater" update all software? [duplicate]

Software Updater partial upgrade?

Function keys not working after update

How to upgrade to Valgrind 3.10.0 on Ubuntu 12.04?

How to hide unwanted updates?

Removing ttf-mscorefonts-installer

installArchives() failed: perl: warning: Setting locale failed.

Adding arm64 multiarch causes error on fresh Ubuntu 18.04 image

What `apt` configuration file should the Never-Include-Phased-Updates flag be placed in?

How to stop (or start) update manager from startup [duplicate]

Software Updater is only showing the description for my application

Nothing happens when click on upgrade [duplicate]

Allow user to upgrade installed packages

Why does the Ubuntu Software application think I am offline when I am online for all other applications and services?

Unable to Install Cockpit on Bionic