Upgrading to latest stable Mono

Solution 1:

Download and install the mono-parallel 2.10 deb package.

After installing the deb file paste this in the terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T)

source mono-2.10-environment

After this your terminal will look like

[mono] /var/dev/mono @


Solution 2:

Mono 2.8 is not available in a PPA. But someone made a script to automatically download, compile and install Mono 2.8 from source. That makes it a little bit easier.

Solution 3:

The place to go for a mono PPA is http://badgerports.org/ unfortunately it could be months before it will have mono 2.8

Novell do not believe it is their responsibility to provide mono packages for ubuntu so the effort has to come from the community.

Jo Shields maintains both the official packages and the badgerports PPA. He said it could be months before mono 2.8 is available via his PPA.

So your only option at this stage is to build from source. Which is not for the faint hearted.