New posts in packaging

unable to install VS code software [duplicate]

init script is not getting installed to /etc/init.d

JSF facelets template packaging

`bzr builddeb -- -us -uc` fails

Where exactly is all the source code on Launchpad browseable?

What is the proper way to patch Wine for a custom PPA?

How do people package internal software to their production servers?

Java EE6> Packaging JSF facelets (xhtml) and ManagedBeans as JAR

Error when modifying rules file in debian packaging

What have been the most useful resources for you when learning to make RPM's?

list python package dependencies without loading them?

Is there a debian package for the python module PyGLM?

What is the advantage of setting zip_safe to True when packaging a Python project?

How does Software Center determine what is a "technical item" and what isn't?

What is the right way to restart dependent services while package installation?

Translating .deb package information

How to create a .deb package from compiled source files?

What is the best source for Solaris packages?

Add custom steps to source package's debian/package.postinst?

How do I add a binary file to my existing PPA package