What is the proper way to patch Wine for a custom PPA?

I've been manually applying patches to Wine for use on my own machine, but I want to put it in a PPA for my friends and relations.

Currently I follow this procedure:

  1. Get the latest source from an upstream PPA via apt-get source
  2. Use patch to apply my unofficial, unsupported patches.
  3. Create a package using dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b

This is fine for creating a package that will run on my local machine. However I now want to distribute this custom build to others via a PPA.

Is this procedure sufficient, or is there a more correct and/or easier to maintain procedure I should be following specifically for Wine?

Solution 1:

You're pretty close with your example steps, but here's what I'd suggest:

  1. Grab the sources with apt-get source wine and cd into the new directory
  2. Find what sort of patch system the wine package is based on: what-patch; in this case, it tells us we that the wine package uses quilt for patch management
  3. Since we're using quilt, add your custom patch(es) to the quilt series:
    QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches quilt import <your-patchfile.patch>
    If you have multiple patches, do this for each patch, in the order that you want them applied.
  4. Add a suitable entry to the debian/changelog file - you'll need to alter the version number to ensure that your PPA version is differentiated from the official version. Typically, you should increment the last version number, and add a tilde (~) followed by your custom version string (eg ~jbowtie1). The dch -i command can help with this too.
  5. Build the source package:
    debuild -S
  6. Upload your source package to the PPA build system:
    dput ppa:<your-ppa> ../wine*.changes
    The <your-ppa> parameter is specified on the launchpad page for the PPA you want to upload it to (you'll have to create this beforehand).

It's usually a good idea to do a test build before doing the dput - the pbuilder command allows you to recreate what the PPA build system would do with your package (ie, start from a clean install, add required deps, then build).

In this case you would have to set up pbuilder first (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto), then do this before the dput:

sudo pbuilder build ../*.dsc

Solution 2:

The Ubuntu Packaging Guide has all the information how to package for Ubuntu including howto deal with patches.

Solution 3:

You need to first build a source package-


Pushing it to a PPA is very easy for Ubuntu 9.10 or later

Just go to Terminal and type

dput ppa:your-lp-id/ppa <source.changes>

Solution 4:

Jeremy's answer is straight to the point.

Alternatively, you can use bzr to handle the source, patches and building/upload.

See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment, starting with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/Documentation.
While is simplifies some steps, e.g. merging for new upstream versions (if you plan to get ahead of the original Ubuntu package), the original "apt-get source" approach is probably more straight and easier in the end.