New posts in packaging

How do I distribute a CA certificate using a Debian package?

How do I use a Launchpad recipe for patching and building an original package?

How to make a JAR file that includes DLL files?

How do I copy a package from Debian to my PPA?

Where is the downloaded package files directory?

How to distribute applications?

What is the standard for naming deb file name?

How to add dependency after submitting a proprietary app to USC?

I've filed an ITP bug on - now how do I get the package into Ubuntu?

How one can create an installer for custom keyboard layout

Using the RandR-enabled nvidia 302.xx beta driver in 12.04 with a realtime kernel

How do I install a package with aptitude?

How to bundle a Python application including dependencies?

How to package & deploy Node.js + express web application?

Versioning a package for uploading to PPA

Dch non-interactive mode

What happens during a package upgrade?

How to create a deb package for a python3 script?

Why do snap-packages exist - is there a real need?

Is there a standard way to create Debian packages for distributing Python programs?