New posts in official-repositories

Does LTS releases include repo exceptions like Firefox?

Is htop becoming part of the default install?

What's the criteria for an application to be included in the Universe repository?

Why is there no guayadeque in 16.04?

Differences between restricted repositories and partner repositories?

How can I ensure I am running the current stock kernel?

Unofficial/Local repositories and how do they differ from PPAs in Launchpad

How do I get security updates for restricted/partner packages?

Will Thunderbird 5 appear in the official 11.04 repositories?

Does Ubuntu import the Universe repository from Debian?

What site can I use to generate a custom sources.list?

Is missing cockpit-docker no longer in the 20.04 repository?

Do the Ubuntu repositories just keep growing?

How can I find an always updated list of repository mirrors?

Shareware in Ubuntu repositories? (RAR)

I've filed an ITP bug on - now how do I get the package into Ubuntu?

Are apt packages in main and universe ALWAYS guaranteed to be built from source by Ubuntu or Debian mantainers?

What testing is done to make sure no packages in the repos have malware?

Why does seem to have infinitely nested "ubuntu" folders?

Unable to locate package chntpw