New posts in orthography

How should I write "Why questions"?

Is "enroute" an acceptable variant of "en route"?

Trade marks or trademarks?

What mnemonics help solve common linguistic issues?

University's vs Universities', correct spelling of the possessive [closed]

What's the proper plural for file extensions? [duplicate]

regarding the correct/incorrect use of the comma [duplicate]

How do you write the short form of "you all"?

Can "either" be used as an adverb, and if so does it require, allow, or prohibit the use of a comma when so used?

Rase: another spelling of raze (literary) [closed]

Wrot vs. Wrought?

Was analysis spelt as anlysis in the past?

Why is "a lot" written as two words even though "ahead" is written as one word?

Why is "sauté" spelled with an accent and "repartee" not?

What does "it tastes like horspy" mean?

Why does the word "school" contain an 'h'?

Height and weight written out

An e in "absured"?

Just how important are grammar and spelling? [closed]

I've heard something like "young pop" as a synonym for "young man/people". Is it right?