New posts in operator-theory

Show that the operator is invertible

Adjoint operator, bijective

If $M=M^{\perp\perp}$ for every closed subspace $M$ of a pre-Hilbert space then $H$ is complete

A linear operator between Banach spaces is weakly continuous iff norm continuous?

C$^{*}$-algebra acting irreducibly on the finite-dimensional space $\mathbb{C}^{n}$ must be $M_{n}(\mathbb{C})$

If a map $C:X\rightarrow U$ maps every weakly convergent sequence into strongly convergent

Why does the set of an hermitian operator's eigenfunctions spans the functions space

How can I get eigenvalues of infinite dimensional linear operator?

Compact operators on $\ell^p$ [duplicate]

A step in the proof of the Hille-Yosida theorem from Rudin

If $T:L^p[0,1] \to L^p[0,1]$ bounded for $1 < p < \infty$ with continuous image, then it's compact

Why is the operator norm $||T||_{op} = \text{sup}\{\frac{||Tv||}{||v||} = \text{sup}\{||Tv|| : ||v|| \leq 1\}$

is bounded linear operator necessarily continuous?

The Principle of Condensation of Singularities

Proof of the product rule for the divergence

Why are compact operators 'small'?

Possible flaw in "proof" that a sum of two compact operators is compact

Is the map sends $T$ to $T^*$ adjoint of $T$ surjective?

Every map $G$ from $Y^* \to X^*$ can be expresed as $T^*$ where $T: X \to Y$ [duplicate]

Proving that $\|Af\|_p=\sup_{g\geq 0, \|g\|_q=1}\int (Af\cdot g).$