New posts in operator-theory

Compact multiplication operators

Value of operator norm when $\mathcal{T}f(x)=\int^{x}_{0} f(t)dt$

Two implications of an operator that preserves positivity on L2

The spectral radius of normal operator

Closed unbounded operator with domain not closed

Identity operator on $L^2(\mathbb{R}^d)$

Commuting operators and polar decomposition

A conjecture about traces of projections

Quantization of angular momentum: is Dirac's proof wrong?

On Pitt's theorem

Square root is operator monotone

Extension and trace operators for Sobolev spaces

Definition of resolvent set

C*-algebras and unitary elements. [closed]

normal elements in spectral theory.

Can every closed subspace be realized as kernel of a bounded linear operator from a Banach space to itself?

-Product of a Hilbert Schmidt and bounded operators is Hilbert-Schmidt

(Integral) Operator Norm: Find $||\phi||$ where $\phi : \mathcal{L^1(m)} \to \mathbb{R}$ is defined by $\phi(f) = \int (x - \frac{1}{2}) f(x) dm(x)$

Examples of type III von Neumann Algebras

Normal Operators: Transform