New posts in numerical-linear-algebra

Fast computation/estimation of the nuclear norm of a matrix

The benefit of LU decomposition over explicitly computing the inverse

Simultaneous orthogonalization in Arnoldi iteration

How to compute the smallest eigenvalue using the power iteration algorithm?

How to calculate the cost of Cholesky decomposition?

Determining whether a symmetric matrix is positive-definite (algorithm)

A projection $P$ is orthogonal if and only if its spectral norm is 1 [closed]

Quadratic Function must be positive definite to have a unique minimum

Finding spectral radius of matrix without computing characteristic polynomial

Finding State Transition Matrix

Unique least square solutions

Fast algorithm for solving system of linear equations

Questions about fixed point iteration

Why do we say SVD can handle singular matrix in least-squares? Comparison of SVD and QR decompositions

Determinant of large matrices: there's GOTTA be a faster way

maximum eigenvalue of a diagonal plus rank-one matrix

Power method for complex Hermitian matrices

Determinant of circulant matrix

block matrix multiplication

If $A = R R^T$, prove that $||R_1 R_1^T||_2 \le ||A||_2$ where $R_1$ is first column of $R$.