New posts in numerical-linear-algebra

How to get the SVD of $2AA^T-\operatorname{diag}(AA^T)$ given $A$ and its SVD $A=USV^T$?

Block inverse of symmetric matrices

Minimum eigenvalue and singular value of a square matrix

Computing the square root of complex number in a stable manner

Are there any decompositions of a symmetric matrix that allow for the inversion of any submatrix?

Finding eigenvalues of a large matrix close to a given value

Using the Arnoldi Iteration to find the k largest eigenvalues of a matrix

Numerically stable method for angle between 3D vectors

Algorithm to find an orthogonal basis (orthogonal to a given vector)

What is the most efficient way to find the inverse of large matrix?

Uniform sampling of points on a simplex

Complexity of Gaussian elimination (LU factorization)

Is there a way to rewrite this matrix equation to eliminate inverse matrix?

Solving some special linear system

How to minimize the Rayleigh quotient to find the smallest eigenvalue during Lanczos iteration?

Show that spectral radius is $\rho(M^{-1}K)\ge1$

Numerical range of a matrix contains the convex hull of the eigenvalues.

Proof that Newton Raphson method has quadratic convergence

How to solver the least square problem involves with the variable is the product of Hadamard Product?

What is the time complexity of conjugate gradient method?