New posts in block-matrices

Sum of determinants of block submatrices

Multiplication of block matrices

A geometric way to reason about Schur complements?

Determinant of a $2\times 2$ block matrix

Eigenvalues of a matrix with repeating pattern of entries

Inverse of $2 \times 2$ block matrices

Is Schur complement better conditioned than the original matrix?

eigenvalues of certain block matrices

How to find the eigenvalues of a block-diagonal matrix?

Are there any decompositions of a symmetric matrix that allow for the inversion of any submatrix?

A necessary and sufficient condition for a symmetric matrix to be positive semidefinite in terms of its Schur complement

Can $X - Y A^\dagger Y^T\succ0$ be written as an LMI where $A^\dagger$ is a pseudoinverse?

Principal submatrices of a positive definite matrix

The determinant of block triangular matrix as product of determinants of diagonal blocks

Inverse of a block matrix with singular diagonal blocks

Block matrix determinant formula [closed]

Determinant of a block skew-symmetric matrix

How to denote matrix concatenation?

What is the codimension of matrices of rank $r$ as a manifold?

Block diagonal matrix diagonalizable