New posts in medical

Never showing any symptoms

Hypernym for "pertaining to (body part)"?

cross-condition meaning in medical section text?

Pronunciation of the letter "c" or "ce" in Australian English

Where does English get the word “condom” from?

Best word for health problems

In "The Plague" by Camus, what does the author mean when he talks about ganglia?

Why does medicine term total number of pregnancies carried over the threshold of viability 'parity'?

Atrium and ventricle

What did my dead English opthalmologist write that looks like pziou or pzio9? [closed]

Patient vs. subject in clinical research

How can I describe someone who feels little or no emotion?

What does the word "mortability" exactly mean?

Medical term for deafness

Principles in the use of letters 'b', 'u' and 'v' in Early Modern English typography

Hallucination and meditation [closed]

Is there a word for the condition of being infested with ticks? [closed]

Medicine vs. Medication

Alzheimer disease or Alzheimer's disease? [closed]

Medical term for causing pain to one part of body to relieve chronic pain elsewhere