What did my dead English opthalmologist write that looks like pziou or pzio9? [closed]

I received a registered mail of all my charts from my dead opthalmologist's office. He was Caucasian. He had yellow hair. He spoke English with the Received Pronunciation.

I found this hand writing but what does it mean? I called his office, but they already disconnected their phone line. Any optometrists or ophthalmologists here?

  1. Is this "oa"? "ou"? What does this mean?

  2. Is this pzisou? pzjou? pzio9? pzjo9?

enter image description here

I don't know what the apparent abbreviation "pzi09" stands for but according to this website "OU" means oculus uterque or both eyes.

I also know that "narrow angles" can be (although not always are) a symptom of at least one serious opthamological condition. I believe that your late opthamologist was referring you to another professional for further investigation.

I would advise you visit another opthamologist or consult a doctor as soon as you possibly can, take a printout of the document with you to the appointment and tell the opthamologist or doctor all the circumstances. I really would do this as quickly as you can.