I am looking for the word for someone who never shows any symptoms of a disease. I am not looking for the word asymptomatic.

Asymptomatic is often used for people who initially display no symptoms but go on to develop symptoms as the disease progresses.

I have read a medical report with this term in it but I can't remember it.

Note: The following was added to this question only after the first answer was provided.

I remember reading it as: [something]symtomacis and [something]-symtomatic. for example - wordsymtomatic and word-symtomatic.

Found it! The word is paucisymptomatic. Also written pauci-symptomatic.

Solution 1:

Asymptomatic means simply "not exhibiting any symptoms at the current time". It does not even even imply (absent context suggesting otherwise) that one is infected, and someone who is infected might be "asymptomatic" at one point and later become "symptomatic" (and hence no longer "asymptomatic"). Or someone (a "typhoid Mary") could have an infection for days, weeks, months, years and remain "asymptomatic" the entire time.

Paucisymptomatic, on the other hand, means having few symptoms ("pauci" meaning "a few"). It does not imply having no symptoms at all. And, as with "asymptomatic", it doesn't imply anything about past or future conditions, only the present state.

Solution 2:

From Merriam-Webster unabridged

a person, animal, or plant that harbors and transmits the causative agent of an infectious disease; especially : one who carries the causative agent systemically but is asymptomatic or immune to it

The infamous Typhoid Mary is an example of a carrier of the causative agent of Typhoid fever.