New posts in measure-theory

Does the equality $\lambda (\pi ^{-1}(B+g))=\lambda (\pi^{-1}(B))$ holds for any $B\in \mathfrak{B}_G$ and $g\in G$?

Why is the Monotone Convergence Theorem more famous than it's stronger cousin?

Various kinds of derivatives

Example of a function that has the Luzin $n$-property and is not absolutely continuous.

Proving two measures of Borel sigma-algebra are equal

A set of positive measure contains a product set of positive measure?

What distinguishes the Measure Theory and Probability Theory?

Is the intersection of two countably generated $\sigma$-algebras countably generated?

Self Study Measure Theory: Proof Not An Algebra

Properties of Haar measure

Everything in the Power Set is measurable?

A net version of dominated convergence?

Examples of properties that hold almost everywhere, but such that explicit examples are not known

Fatou's lemma and measurable sets

How to show the diagonal of product of Hausdorff spaces is not in the product of its Borel-$\sigma$ algebras?

What's the quickest way to see that the subset of a set of measure zero has measure zero?

Concavity of the $n$th root of the volume of $r$-neighborhoods of a set

If $E \in \sigma(\mathcal{C})$ then there exists a countable subset $\mathcal{C}_0 \subseteq \mathcal{C}$ with $E \in \sigma(\mathcal{C}_0)$

What does it mean to be an $L^1$ function?

Most functions are measurable