New posts in measure-theory

Essential support vs. classical support for a continuous function

How do we know there is a probability space that can support any number of arbitrary random variables defined upon it? [duplicate]

Intuitively, how should I think of Measurable Functions?

Example of filtration in probability theory

Does $f$ monotone and $f\in L_{1}([a,\infty))$ imply $\lim_{t\to\infty} t f(t)=0$?

Rigorous Proof of Leibniz's Rule for Complex

How to show that the integral inequality holds for vector-valued functions. [duplicate]

Proving that $L^1(X,M,\mu)$ is not reflexive

How can I find a subset of a set with "half the size" of the original?

What is the integral of $e^{a \cdot x+b \cdot y}$ evaluated over the Koch Curve

Do inequalities that hold for infinite sums hold for integrals too?

Is the set $\{ (X_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}} \text{ has a nondecreasing subsequence} \}$ measurable?

Prove that an infinite sigma algebra contains an infinite sequence of disjoint sets and is uncountable

Outer measure of a nested sequence of non-measurable sets

Proving Caratheodory measurability if and only if the measure of a set summed with the measure of its complement is the measure of the whole space.

What is the weak*-topology on a set of probability measures?

Conditional Expectation of Functions of Random Variables satisfying certain Properties

Singular continuous measures "in nature"

Concentration of measure vs large deviation

Exercise on convergence in measure (Folland, Real Analysis)