New posts in measure-theory

What is the motivation of Levy-Prokhorov metric?

Characterization of Almost-Everywhere convergence

Product measure and its marginals

Convolution of an $L_{p}(\mathbb{T})$ function $f$ with a term of a summability kernel $\{\phi_n\}$

$f_n \rightarrow f$ & $|f_n|\le g\in L_1$ Prove: $f\in L_1$ | $\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} \int_X f_n d\mu=\int_X f d\mu$ | $f_n\rightarrow f$ in $L_1$

Intersection of elements of a sigma algebra with a common element.

If $E$ has $\sigma$-finite measure, then $E$ is inner regular

A Borel set whose projection onto the first coordinate is not a Borel set

Proving sets are measurable

If $E$ has measure zero, then does $E^2$ have measure zero?

Does Bounded Covergence Theorem hold for Riemann integral?

Measure theory and topology books that have solution manuals

Is any subset of the Cantor set a Borel set?

Sigma algebra generated by the set of all singletons

What are the foundations of probability and how are they dependent upon a $\sigma$-field?

The subset of non-measurable set

Measure on topological spaces

Is $\sigma$-finiteness unnecessary for Radon Nikodym theorem?

Convergence in metric and in measure

Are "most" continuous functions also differentiable?