New posts in measure-theory

Nearly, but not almost, continuous

Is there an example of a sigma algebra that is not a topology?

If $\mathcal{B}$ is a base of a topology space $\left(X,\tau\right)$, then the Borel $\sigma$-algebra is generated by $\mathcal{B}$?

Solution verification: $m(A)>1$ implies $\exists x,y\in A$ s.t. $x-y\in\mathbb{N}.$

Formally show that the set of continuous functions is not measurable

Is a random variable constant iff it is trivial sigma-algebra-measurable?

Each atom of the measure μ is equivalent to a singleton.

Can we think of the Fourier series as a Bochner integral?

Any lower semicontinuous function $f: X \to \mathbb{R}$ on a compact set $K \subseteq X$ attains a min on $K$.

Does a continuous and 1-1 function map Borel sets to Borel sets?

Why is the Monotone Convergence Theorem restricted to a nonnegative function sequence?

Measure theoretic definition of curl

Every non-measurable $X \subseteq \mathbb{R}^n$ has non-measurable $Y \subseteq X$ such that $|Z|=0$ for every measurable $Z \subseteq Y$

Is $p$-norm decreasing in $p$?

Reconciling several different definitions of Radon measures

Differentiation under the integral sign for Lebesgue integrable derivative

A snappy proof of Fatou's lemma

Why is expectation defined by $\int xf(x)dx$?

Number of elements in a finite $\sigma$-algebra

Proving that a trivial product sigma algebra is the product of sigma algebras