New posts in measure-theory

Meaning of convergence in $L^1$ norm

Introductory measure theory textbook

Graph of real continuous function has measure zero

Subset of the preimage of a semicontinuous real function is Borel

Pushforward measure integral property

Where are measurable functions not locally integrable?

Intuitive Explanation of Why the Power Set of $\mathbb{R}$ is "too big" for the Lebesgue Measure?

How do I evaluate: $\limsup_{x\to0-}\frac{\sqrt{-x\sin^2(\ln |x|)}}{x}$?

Prove $\mu^*(A)=\nu(A)$ if there exists a cover $A\subset \cup_{n\geq1} B_n$ and $\mu^*(B_n)<\infty \;\forall n\geq 1$

How to find an irrational number in this case?

Why is the inner measure problematic?

How to solve this estimate $m\{t \in[a, b]:|f(t)| \leq \varepsilon\} \leq 4\left(q ! \frac{\varepsilon}{2 \beta}\right)^{\frac{1}{q}}$

The cardinality of Lebesgue sets

Show a set E is measurable iff its characteristic function is measurable.

Is the product of two measurable subsets of $R^d$ measurable in $R^{2d}$?

Weird measurable set

Reference request: product Borel $\sigma$-algebra of non-separable metric spaces

Decomposition of a finite measure on the sum of an atomless measure and a purely atomic measure

What does a simple function actually mean?

Showing a function is measurable in a product measure space