New posts in measure-theory

Prove that $Q$ is a probability measure

Controlling the Size of an Open Cover of a Set of Measure Zero

A function which is continuous in one variable and measurable in other is jointly measurable [closed]

First uncountable ordinal

Proofs of the Riesz–Markov–Kakutani representation theorem

Example of regular Borel measure which is not a Radon measure [closed]

Integral with $x^{dx}$

Continuously Differentiable Curves in $\mathbb{R}^{d}$ and their Lebesgue Measure

$\frac 1 2$ in the definition of total variation distance between two probability measures

Is the product of $\sigma$-algebras a tensor product in some sense?

How is area defined?

Relation between Borel–Cantelli lemmas and Kolmogorov's zero-one law

A sequence of measures on a sigma algebra

Functions of bounded variation on all $\mathbb{R}$

Does the Riemann integral come from a measure?

Are continuous functions with compact support bounded?

Assume that $ f ∈ L([a, b])$ and $\int x^nf(x)dx=0$ for $n=0,1,2...$.

a.s. Convergence and Convergence in Probability

Why isn't the product $\sigma$-algebra defined as the pre-image $\sigma$-algebra of the canonical projections

Let $f:E \to \Bbb R$ be measurable. Let $B \in \operatorname{Bor}(\Bbb R)$ be a Borel set. Show that $f^{-1}(B)$ is measurable.