New posts in borel-sets

A set in the Borel $\sigma$-algebra over $[0,1]$ that isn't in the algebra generated by open sets

Lebesgue Measurable Set which is not a union of a Borel set and a subset of a null $F_\sigma$ set?

Is this function between the sigma Algebra $G$ and the Borel Sigma measurable?

Why do we work on the Borel sigma algebra and not on the Lebesgue sigma algebra?

Proof explanation about why $\liminf_{n}X_{n}$ is a random variable

$\sigma$-algebra generated by a weakest topology such that some functions are continuous.

Proof that the Cardinality of Borel Sets on $\mathbb R$ is $c$ without using the ordinals .

Subset of the preimage of a semicontinuous real function is Borel

Is the sum (difference) of Borel set with itself a Borel set?

Is there any good text introducing a part of Borel-hierarchy which is in need in measure theory

Is there a set $A \subset [0,1]$ such that both $A$ and $[0,1] \setminus A$ intersect every positive-measure set?

proving a function is Borelmeasurable

For an arbitrary continuous $\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$, how to show that a certain Borel set is contained in the set of finite differentiability?

Strongly zero-dimensinal spaces that are homeomorphic to other spaces under certain conditions

Is "product" of Borel sigma algebras the Borel sigma algebra of the "product" of underlying topologies?

The domain of the Haar measure of the $n$-dimensional Torus

Constructing the Haar measure of the $n$-dimensional Torus

Are Monotone functions Borel Measurable?