New posts in meaning

What does the phrase 'much the most" mean?

Is this sentence from Andrew Carnegie ambiguous? [duplicate]

"how ever" vs "however"

Have been heard from

proper usage of the word 'blitzkrieg'

What does "pending publication" mean?

What is the Antonym for depleted? [closed]

Why does "eastwardly" have two opposite meanings?

Is “Can’t be too careful” an idiom?

Difference between "Up to you" and "As you want"

Meaning of the phrase "discard credits"

What is a "terrorist jacket"?

singular or plural? The whole of A & B is/are?

What's the meaning of "triggeronomy?"

Meaning of this Samuel Johnson quote [closed]

What do you call a sentence that reverses parts of the first clause in a second clause that makes sense, too?

What does “jaw-breaking” mean?

what does "single" in "the single fastest way" mean?

Can you help me understand the meaning of this sentence? [closed]

Sentence meaning: "But there certainly are not so many men of large fortune in the world as there are pretty women to deserve them"