New posts in meaning

Why is the word 'appetite' appropriate in this context?

What does "philoso-fugal" mean?

the meaning of "thick" [closed]

What does the word "Stone" mean in this context [closed]

Is an underline a form of punctuation?

Trying to understand but getting mixed opinions [closed]

What's the meaning of "butt-high"? [closed]

Is “within a nose-hair of (a position / status)” a common idiom?

Is this what 'No good deed goes unpunished' means?

Why are illegal drug organisations called "Cartels"?

Can't get the meaning of "score mondo points" [closed]

Can "than" be used at the beginning of the sentence?

What does this mean? Rephrase please?

"Repentant" vs "penitent" [closed]

Term for Performing Action Early to Account for Delay of Transmission?

Meaning of “get pokey”

What is the opposite of someone who has been sheltered?

Meaning of "overcomes his encounters"

When can sentence phrasing be described as "awkward"? [closed]

Alternative way to communicate "Fill Rate" [closed]