New posts in literature

What is the meaning of "quixotic stance"?

The meaning of Robinson Crusoe’s “and without with turf”

What does the phrase "a fine one" mean in this context?

Can anybody tell me the meaning of "a bloody great mass of iron and we work it- praise be to God for man's endeavour-"?

The grammar in the English novel Forrest Gump

Does "malefic rune", possible typo from "tune" in the context?

English books reading complexity ratings

What does "in the sere and yellow" mean?

Literary term for when the author purposely doesn't describe something so that the audience is left to imagine it

The meaning of "Not but what it might have been for something else; but it warn't."?

I wanted to know what is the meaning of "checking off the points upon the palm of his left hand"?

"Right tol loor rul!" Meaning - Dickens, Dombey and Son

What is it called when you begin to exhibit similar personality traits as someone close to you?

The term “handy” in “Of Mice and Men”

Who is "Martha" alluded to in "Eight Cousins"?

"Obscene yourself" (literally) in Hemingway's "For Whom The Bell Tolls"

What does the sentence "I lit a cigarette that tasted like a plumber's handkerchief" mean? [closed]

What is the meaning of 'fly' in: "I wonder how many real amber mouth-pieces there are in London? Some people think that a fly in it is a sign."

What is the meaning of "let in" in : "but they were let in in early in the spring through the Venezuelan loan, as no doubt you remember"

What do "Sech" and "Vich" mean in this sentence?