New posts in lists

Are commas necessary between coordinate adjectives? [duplicate]

What's this usage of comma, separating of a list of independent clauses?

Correct use of "is" or "are" [duplicate]

Semicolons at the end of list items

Is it correct to use the conjunction “or” more than twice in one sentence?

List of people including non-restrictive appositive

How to use quotes in a list with commas

How to write a bulleted list? [duplicate]

What punctuation should follow after a list introduced by a colon?

How should lists of questions be punctuated?

Is it correct to refer to the last 2 items in a list as "the latter two"?

Possessive-S/apostrophe in a list, including the first and second person

Periods for bullet point items

Is it proper to use a colon followed immediately by a hyphen?

Semicolons with two-item list

I am unsure of whether to use singular or plural describing a list where the objects in the list are choices

Can you use a colon to introduce just a single item instead of a list?

How best to punctuate a list of quoted questions? [closed]

Use of capitals and full stops in bullet points [duplicate]

How should I punctuate a literal reference to a list item, including its label?