New posts in linear-algebra

Linear operators on the functions $f:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ that distribute over multiplication

Showing that $a \times [a \times [a \times (a \times b)]]=x^4 b$ where $x = \| a \|$

Clarification on Pauli matrices

A determinant expression [duplicate]

Why composite transformations are multiplied to the right side?

Problem in skew-symmetric matrix

Basic question on dual spaces and adjoint in Hilbert spaces

Quick ways to _verify_ determinant, minimal polynomial, characteristic polynomial, eigenvalues, eigenvectors ...

What does the degree of a matrix minimal polynomial encode?

Algorithm for obtaining the surface of a mirror

Can the "inducing" vector norm be deduced or "recovered" from an induced norm?

Minimal spanning set ("conical basis") for 2x2 Hermitian PSD (positive semi-definite) cone?

Matrix multiplication of columns times rows instead of rows times columns

If $A$ has eigenvalues $\lambda_1,...,\lambda_n$, is there a relationship between the eigenvalues of $A$ and $\hat{A}$

Alternate Characterization of Linearity

Prove that every ray is a polyhedron

Minimal polynomial of $T(X)=A^{-1}XA$

Given $2^{n-1}$ subsets of a set with $n$ elements with the property that any three have nonempty intersection, prove that ....

Find conjugation invariant functions without using eigenvalues?

Eigenvalues of doubly stochastic matrices