New posts in lie-groups

Quotient of $ S^3 \times S^3$ by a free torus action.

Sections of associated bundles

Smoothness of a G-invariant K-form

The mathematics behind Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients

Orbit-stabilizer theorem for Lie groups?

Spinor Mapping is Surjective

Proof that $U(n)$ is connected

Lie algebra of R^n

How to derive the general formula for the Killing form for classical Lie algebras?

Matrix Exponential does not map open balls to open balls?

Do these higher-dimensional analogues of Möbius transformations have a name?

The diffential of commutator map in a Lie group

What are the one-parameter subgroups of GL?

Correspondence of representation theory between $\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb C)$ and $\mathrm U_n(\mathbb C)$

How does the lie algebra capture compactness of the lie group?

In a metric Lie algebra, is the orthogonal complement of a Lie subalgebra a Lie subalgebra?

Ergodic action of a group

Does non-commuting $\mathfrak{g}$ imply non-abelian $G$?

Why do we require that a simple Lie algebra be non-abelian?

Can $(\Bbb{R}^2,+)$ be given the structure of a matrix Lie group?