New posts in latin

How does one use the Latin word “cum” in a sentence? [duplicate]

Where does "vice-a-versa" come from? [closed]

Latin for "to Hide Complexity" as Related to "to Abstract"

Is “et al. [1]” used as a singular or plural subject?

How did 'to' and 'to throw' combine to mean 'adjacent'?

Plural of "camera obscura"

Oh, the felinity? Felixity?

Succinct, shorthand, (possibly) Latin word similar to "ala"

How come the Latin word "Vulgaris" acquired such negative meaning in English?

What is a word for "having the form of a Brussels sprout"?

Is the '- etum' suffix exclusive to tree plantations?

Is the singular form of "desiderata" a disused word?

How would I construct the phrase "brief set of appendices"?

Why 'hippo-paw-tamus?'

“Ex Machina” versus “Deus Ex Machina” [closed]

What is the plural of "corpus callosum"?

How did 'pick out' evolve to mean 'read'?

Do "empirical" and "imperial" share a common etymology? [closed]

How to translate FIAT into English?
