What is a word for "having the form of a Brussels sprout"?

Well the best i could do was Bruxelloidal.

This isn't a real word because not much in real life resembles a brussel sprout and if something did we would be able to describe it in a different way.

I came to this word by basically following the same steps that were used to make botryoidal. The first problem i ran into was that "botry" is a Greek stem, and there were no brussel sprouts in Greece at the time when classical Greek was spoken, I did the next best thing an got the Latin translation of brussel sprouts, "Bruxellis germinantis". In essence this translates to "German Brussles", which is what the Romans called brussel sprouts. I figured id use the root Bruxellis for the new word. The rest is simple, cut off the ablative plural "is" from Bruxellis and your left with the stem, "Bruxell". The Greek suffixs "oid" and "al" mean resembling the form of so i threw both on the end in the same fashion they threw "oidal" onto the stem "botry", and got "Bruxelloidal".