What word describes when a presenter gives unhelpful advice?

I often attend software development conferences where the presenter will instruct the audience 'what' to do, without giving any explanation of 'why', or 'how' they should do it.

For example, the presenter might remark: (examples generalized)

  • "When getting in your car, put on your seat belt".

  • "Backup your data".

  • "Just get involved".

I find these types of statements annoying and un-motivating.

What is a word or phrase that describes when a presenter dictates weak/vague/unhelpful instructions? They are saying something that doesn't inspire you, and to possibly cause you to roll your eyes at them.


This presenter is being _____

Possible synonyms.

"Patronizing": To patronize infers condescension. The speakers aren't being prideful, just unhelpful.

"Preaching to the choir": To preach to the choir conveys the audience are already on board with your ideas. I'm not onboard yet since I'm still absorbing the presenters ideas.

"Disheartening": The presenter didn't deflate anyones hopes, or discourage them, they simply annoyed them with their un-helpfulness.


I attend conferences for software development. Since many people on this site may not be software developers, the examples are generalized.

A better example. The presenter is presenting his idea "All bicycles should have 3 wheels instead of 2"

The presenter then uses the following arguments to prove his idea.

"All bicycles should have three wheels because three wheels is better than two" (Ridiculously unsubstantial argument)

"Just put a 3rd wheel on your bike, don't be afraid of a 3rd wheel" (pleading with audience without explaining 'why' a three wheeled bike is better)

I think I'm looking for a word that describes when a person uses unfounded facts and fallacies as arguments.

Solution 1:

'This presenter is being facile in his recommendations.'

Solution 2:

Platitudinous: (of a remark or statement) used too often to be interesting or thoughtful; hackneyed.

Banal: so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring.

Trite: (of a remark, opinion, or idea) overused and consequently of little import; lacking originality or freshness.

Aphoristic: 1 : a concise statement of a principle. 2 : a terse formulation of a truth or sentiment : adage.

Solution 3:

Throwing darts in the dark: pedant/pedantic:


    • one who makes a show of knowledge
    • one who is unimaginative or who unduly emphasizes minutiae in the presentation or use of knowledge


    • a person who makes an excessive or inappropriate display of learning.
    • a person who overemphasizes rules or minor details.


    • of, relating to, or being a pedant (see pedant)
    • narrowly, stodgily, and often ostentatiously learned


    • ostentatious in one’s learning.
    • overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, especially in teaching.

So you could say, "This presenter is being a pedant" or "This presenter is being pedantic."  Also, "That presentation was a lot of pedantry."