New posts in irrational-numbers

Is $\frac{1}{\alpha} \in \mathbb{Q}[\alpha]$ for irrational $\alpha$?

Is the difference of the natural logarithms of two integers always irrational or 0?

Integral of rationals

Reversing the digits of an infinite decimal

Prove by Induction that every term of the following sequence is irrational

Numbers with no finite representation on paper

Proof: Is there a line in the xy plane that goes through only rational coordinates?

If $\sum\frac1{a_n}$ is convergent, then irrational?

Show that $\arctan(n)$ is irrational for all $n \in \mathbb{N}$

Pi might contain all finite sets, can it also contain infinite sets?

Are there any irrational numbers that have a difference of a rational number?

Is there a way to prove $\pi$ is irrational using any of its infinite series?

Use of the Reciprocal Fibonacci constant?

Can any positive real be approximated as $2^m/3^n$ with $(m,n)$ large enough?

Irrational numbers, decimal representation

Prove that there is an irrational number and a rational number between any two distinct real numbers

(How to/Can I) show irrational numbers?

Integer parts of multiples of irrationals

Denseness of the set $\{ m+n\alpha : m\in\mathbb{N},n\in\mathbb{Z}\}$ with $\alpha$ irrational [duplicate]

If $g\geq2$ is an integer, then $\sum\limits_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{g^{n^{2}}} $ and $ \sum\limits_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{g^{n!}}$ are irrational